Stump Cross, Boroughbridge
Johnson Mowat intend to submit a full planning application on behalf of Bellway Homes for the residential development of Land at Stump Cross, Boroughbridge.
The Site is currently in agricultural use and is located to the south of Chapel Hill and east of the A168. It forms part of Allocated Site (B12), the first phase of which is currently under construction by Barratt and David Wilson Homes. Phase 2 will be accessed using the Chapel Hill junction which currently serves Phase 1.
The entire allocation was granted an Outline Planning Permission for 450 no. dwellings (17/04319/OUTMAJ) in April 2019. Reserved Matters approval was subsequently granted for Phase 1 in February 2022 (21/03683/REMMAJ). The principle of development is therefore long established.
The proposed Site layout plan, overleaf, demonstrates that the Site has capacity to deliver a scheme of 261 no. dwellings. The proposed dwellings will provide a mixture of 1 no. to 5 no. bedroom properties (ranging from 1 storey to 2.5 storey in height), with 40% of the proposed dwellings being provided as affordable housing (104 dwellings). The proposals will directly meet local housing need, boosting levels of home ownership for both first time buyers and low-income households. Furthermore, the provision of smaller dwellings will provide an opportunity for downsizing, which in turn will free up existing housing stock within the locality.
The green infrastructure proposed ensures that the boundaries to the wider countryside and existing uses are softened through extensive landscaping. Furthermore, the provision of a greenspace centrally will act as a wildlife corridor to the wider countryside. Public Open Space is provided throughout the site, providing both an amenity and recreational benefit to existing and new residents.
At this time, we are seeking the views of the local community on the development proposals.